Oona is an emotional, sensitive and nervous individual who seeks the company of others. While she is quite idealistic, she never completely loses her grip on reality and her feet remain firmly planted on the ground. Her imagination is extremely rich and contributes, for the most part, to making up for the dissatisfaction that she feels with her everyday life. Nevertheless,
Oona is also capable of organisation, pursuing her dreams and achieving her objectives. She is very likely to be fascinated by music and poetry, humanitarian causes and the irrational; and although she sometimes allows herself to drift into pleasant day-dreams, she is also constructive and materialistic. She could be rather disconcerting due to the influence of two antagonistic tendencies that co-exist in her personality. Indeed, from the exterior she could appear easy-going, careless or even superficial; because she is impulsive and says exactly what she thinks. However this is definitely not the case, and just when you least expect it she can be aloof, curt and distant. This is a woman who is extremely attached to her independence. Likewise, her attitude is just as perplexing with regards to orderliness; one day she could be very fussy, discreet, tidy and organized (particularly if she was born on a 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st; or of she has a
Life Path Number of 4); while the next she could be caught in flagrante delicto of contradiction with her own values, lax, disorganized and spending money as if it was going out of fashion (especially if she was born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd day of the month, or if her
Life Path Number is 5)...
Oona is often a varied and colourful character! Generally active and focused, her weak point is irrefutably her very sensual and emotional nature. She is easily shaken by emotional disappointment, which can make her shut herself off from painful reality and other people. As a little girl, she shouldn't present a problem for her parents as long as the atmosphere at home is harmonious. If this isn't the case, she could lose interest in her school work and precociously seek the affection she requires by recklessly throwing herself into the arms of the first male who shows an interest in her. She may also attempt to escape through day-dreams and fantasy or refusing restriction. An artistic hobby would be highly beneficial, as would any activity that enables her to share and exchange with others.
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