Karmic numbers and their meaning

The letters that make up our first name model us and provide structure. In a way, they represent our "departure baggage", the advantages and challenges that allow us to make progress on our life path. Whether or not our first name contains letters of a given value will decide whether or not our lives are influenced by their corresponding numbers, and this is why we each experience life in a unique way. The numbers that are absent from the first name are called «missing numbers» or «karmic numbers» in numerology. They are indicative of behaviour, psychological characteristics and obstacles to overcome. The latter are in no way definitive and improvement is always possible, from the moment we become aware of the situation, until we become the balanced, humane and sociable creatures that we really are. In any event, our surname will obviously attenuate the impact of our first name. Each and every one of us possesses strengths and weaknesses that represent our individual interests. Don’t assume that a first name and a surname composed of the letters of each of the nine numerical values are synonymous with perfect balance and an easy life. In this case, the subject would have to learn each of the lessons associated with each of the numbers, without any particular intensity, but they would all have to be experienced. Remember that it is also our faults, failings and weaknesses that make each of us unique and interesting, although we struggle to overcome them every day in an effort to evolve and improve our relationship with others and the world we live in. In numerology as in astrology, a theme that is too balanced can be a sign of a life that is too easy, and can also be synonymous with a lack of personality and a weak, predictable character who lives a monotone, dreary and bland existence. The lessons associated with these missing numbers are not inescapable - be assured of this fact: and it is possible to fulfil them just by becoming aware and understanding. It is desirable to recognize these numbers in childhood to be able to start working on them as early as possible, ideally from the age of reason (7 years old). The parents would thereby help the individual to grow up to be a more well-balanced and sociable individual who is able to move forward in life with their head held high.












1 The 1 is the symbol of unity; it is the origin of all things, the breath of creation. A masculine and odd number, it represents the self, the distinct personality of this being, their individuality, ambition, strength, will and energy. It is associated with the element of fire and in analogy with the Sun, the sign of Leo, the first house in astrology and the choleric temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 1 should progress on the path of independence and personal fulfilment. With the influence of the number 1, one will experience a period of resurgence and progress favouring personal development, which is sometimes accompanied by a certain amount of isolation.

2 The 2 is the symbol of duality and diversification. It is each thing and its opposite: yin and yang, hot and cold, day and night, good and bad... A feminine and even number, it represents the other, the partner, spouse or associate. It is associated with the element of water and in analogy with the Moon, the sign of Cancer, the seventh and sometimes eleventh house in astrology, and the melancholic temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 2 should show conciliation, adaptation and cooperation. With the influence of the number 2, one may experience a period of union or association, but equally of duality, emotionalism, uncertainty and sometimes separation.

3 The 3 symbolises creation, issued from the union of the 1 and the 2, uniting the positive and negative forces. It is the synonym of expression and communication, success, social life and creation, notably of literary and artistic nature. It is associated with the element of air and in analogy with the planets Jupiter and Mercury, the sign of Gemini, the third house in astrology and the sanguine temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 3 should seek to express themselves, to communicate and convince through the voice, writing and all other creative or artistic forms. With the influence of the number 3, one will experience a harmonious and creative period, however with a risk of dissipation of activity and energy.

4 The 4 symbolises spirit entering into matter. It’s the square - image of stability, power and construction. It represents work, labour, service and sometimes a certain rigidity or narrow-mindedness. It is associated with the element of earth, the planet Saturn, the signs of Taurus and Capricorn, the fourth and tenth houses in astrology and the phlegmatic temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 4 must learn the signification of the words work, order, organisation and service. With the influence of the number 4, one learns to fight for existence and to struggle to grow and develop. This number brings stability and security, unless it induces feelings of restriction.

5 The 5 symbolises evolution, freedom, change and pleasure. It is synonymous with sensuality and adaptability. In addition, it is associated with the element of air, the planets Mars and Mercury, and in analogy with the sign of Aquarius and sometimes Aries, the fifth house in astrology and the sanguine temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 5 must experience freedom and change, showing adaptation and flexibility. With the influence of the number 5, one seeks to develop the five senses and achieve independence. The 5 is associated with moving and travel, commerce, adventure, growth and expansion, with all the corresponding risks: instability, fickleness, worry and infidelity.

6 The 6 symbolises the struggle between good and evil, harmony and the human endeavor to rise above primal instincts. It is synonymous with the home, love, marriage and domestic life, as well as the responsibility that follows. It is associated with the elements of air and earth, and in analogy with the planet Venus, the signs of Libra and Virgo, in a very characteristic manner with the sixth house in astrology and the sanguine temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 6 must learn to assume the responsibilities that this number entails, and bring peace and equilibrium to those around them. With the influence of the number 6, one seeks the stability of family life, affection, harmony, beauty. They must show conciliation, otherwise they may experience conflict in their relationships, contention and even separation or divorce.

7 The 7 symbolises soul-searching and the quest for perfection. It is a sacred and eminently spiritual number. It is synonymous with rest, meditation, study, spirituality, philosophy, religion and faith. It is associated with the elements of water and earth and in analogy with the planet Uranus, the signs of Cancer and Pisces, the twelfth house in astrology and the melancholic temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 7 must seek personal satisfaction through study, reflection and meditation, and the answers to the essential questions of existence. With the influence of the number 7, one seeks internal perfection, wisdom and knowledge. It is important to be careful not to neglect the material side of life or the emotional sphere.

8 The 8 symbolises balance, truth and justice. Two times 4, this is a concrete and material number. It is synonymous with possession, power and materiality. It is associated with the element of air and in analogy with the planets Mars and Pluto, the signs of Aries and Scorpio, the second, eighth and twelfth houses in astrology and the choleric temperament. The individual who is influenced by the 8 must learn to assume their role through the fair and balanced exercise of power and the wise management of their material goods and those of others. With the influence of the number 8, one pays the karmic debts that are connected to prior incarnations according to our past actions, this number brings forth the consequences of what we have sown: growth and development, success and accomplishment, or by contrast, loss and failure, sometimes with repercussions on health. Otherwise known as the boomerang effect.

9 The 9 symbolises accomplishment, ultimate fulfilment, transcendence and completion. It is synonymous with humanity, self-sacrifice and altruism. It is associated with the elements of fire and water, and in analogy with the planet Neptune, the signs of Sagittarius, Pisces, the ninth house in astrology and the choleric and melancholic temperaments. The individual who is influenced by the 9 must learn self-abnegation through the satisfaction of others’ needs before their own, a difficult lesson in our materialistic society. With the influence of the number 9, one achieves transcendence and stops being concerned about the self. One learns to give and to give of oneself, possibly in contact with the public domain or cutting-edge methods, foreign countries and the unusual, philosophy or the occult. It is important to be aware of all the risks of distraction, delusion, utopian ideals and the desire to escape into artificial paradises.

Master numbers

11 The 11 symbolises transcendence, revelations, intuition, inspiration and the gift of clairvoyance. It is synonymous with a higher intelligence and extremely elevated ideals at an abstract level. It is especially associated with the element of air, the sign of Aquarius, eleventh sign of the zodiac, and the eleventh house in astrology. The individual who is influenced by the 11 is revealed to be particularly intuitive, clairvoyant, and must use their influence over others in appositive manner, assuming the role of a spiritual guide, as it were. With the influence of the number 11, one experiences inspiration, revelation and success, as long as one isn’t frantically searching for material goods or wealth. The message of this number is clear: the possibilities for important accomplishment that this number brings must not be used for the exclusive satisfaction of one’s own needs and desires.

22 The 22 incorporates all of the implications of the 11, however it also allows their expression in the form of tangible accomplishment. It symbolises creation and construction at the highest level. It is synonymous with energy, power, strength, influence and realization. It is essentially associated with the element of earth and the planets Saturn and Pluto, the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and the axis of the fourth and tenth houses in astrology. The individual influenced by the 22 must build in some way and leave their mark on the world. With the influence of the number 22, one creates, elaborates and achieves at a high level, for the benefit of others and the community. It is important not to use these powerful vibrations for the exclusive satisfaction of one’s own needs and desires, and control the high nervous tension that accompanies the presence of this number.