Unusual and mysterious, they are so overwhelmingly sensitive and emotional that they tend to hide behind a wall of icy indifference, keep a certain distance or remain taciturn. Three of the numbers that make up their first name are "karmic", and their effects can be felt on many different levels. These energies provoke evolution throughout their lives, a tendency which is susceptible to be reversed. Indeed, the 18, which is
%s's active number, and the 72, that of Marie-Pierre, are in keeping with frequent change, travel and a delayed success that is not necessarily associated with material realization. In effect, these women are idealistic and unfortunately do not always have their feet firmly planted on the ground. With their elevated aspirations - which are sometimes quite out of reach (master number 11), and a broad view on life, they could experience intense disappointment, disillusion or even nervous breakdown or depression... It is easier for them to live through their imagination or by immerging themselves in the world of spirituality or parapsychology, unless of course they are tempted to seek refuge in a fool's paradise. Their inner-lives are very rich and they could feel intensely lonely from time to time, because they often have the impression that there is a pane of glass between them and the rest of the world. Later on in life they could experience this in a creative and original fashion, by working at the cutting edge for example... (particularly if they were born in February or November, an 11th, 29th, or if they have a
Life Path Number of 11). As children,
Jo-Ann and
Aberash are fragile and are prone to feelings of inferiority. It is therefore crucial that they are surrounded by love and affection. They are eager to please and always give the best of themselves - as long as they feel adequately supported. It is equally indispensable to provide an outlet for their imagination by encouraging them to make the most of their artistic talents (painting, music, theatre, sewing or cooking...).
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