Reserved, detached and secretive
Ike is unfathomable at first and appears to be surrounded by an aura of mystery.... However, this is a nothing more than a mask designed to conceal how sensitive he really is. He's extremely shy and perpetually anxious to boot. One could be forgiven for imagining him to be hard and cynical - and it's true that a corner of his mouth is often curled up into a small sarcastic smile. He is inclined to be lazy (unless he has a good reason not to be), as well as careless, and his moods can fluctuate rather unpredictably. He would do well to pay attention to his dreams if he wishes to develop his innate intuitive and imaginative abilities. One thing is certain, he's quite a contradiction. This is due to an inner-conflict between two opposing influences: the 7, that would have us believe we are in the company of a thoughtful genius (accentuated if he was born in July, on the 7th, 14th or 25th day of the month, or if his
Life Path Number is 7), and the numbers 2 and 5, factors causing instability and immaturity (especially if these numbers appear in his day or month of birth, or his
Life Path Number). The reflection of this confrontation is a personality as changeable as the weather and the ever-changing scenery of his life. He is likely to find such frequent upheavals challenging because he doesn't adapt easily and can become anxious if he considers himself to be out of his depth. He could sometimes feel as though he is different from other people. Indeed, his originality sets him apart, but if he perceives this distance as persecution this could provoke feelings of bitterness and resentment or possibly even aggressive behaviour. The active number 34 is rather compromising to his personal development, although it will be easier to live with if
Ike adopts a more spiritual attitude. As a child he is difficult to understand. Easily influenced by his mother, he requires a loving and stable environment in order to thrive. He would have difficulty coping with the separation of his parents or with life as an only child, and such a scenario could lead to problems with personal relationships as an adult. His parents should provide him with plenty of support and stimulation, and most importantly, boost his self-confidence, shrinking violet that he is, he'll make an effort if he thinks it will make you happy...
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