



The 9 symbolises accomplishment, ultimate fulfilment, transcendence and completion. It is synonymous with humanity, self-sacrifice and altruism. It is associated with the elements of fire and water, and in analogy with the planet Neptune, the signs of Sagittarius, Pisces, the ninth house in astrolog… Read More
The 5 symbolises evolution, freedom, change and pleasure. It is synonymous with sensuality and adaptability. In addition, it is associated with the element of air, the planets Mars and Mercury, and in analogy with the sign of Aquarius and sometimes Aries, the fifth house in astrology and the sanguin… Read More
The 4 symbolises spirit entering into matter. It’s the square - image of stability, power and construction. It represents work, labour, service and sometimes a certain rigidity or narrow-mindedness. It is associated with the element of earth, the planet Saturn, the signs of Taurus and Capricorn, the… Read More




(Celtic) light. Breton first name.

Who is he?

Receptive and tractable, Louenn is an unusual man with a multifaceted personality. He is highly permeable to his affective atmosphere and this results in fluctuations in his mood depending on who is he is with and the influence they have on him, be it intentional or unintentional... His personal relationships are a source of vitality for him and serve as a springboard to success in his undertakings. On the other hand, if he senses an inhospitable atmosphere he will close up like a clam and be at quite a loss of what to say or do. Louenn is actually hypersensitive and extremely nervous but he does a wonderful job of appearing calm and unflustered. He tends to become withdrawn and introverted if life disappoints him, however he could also find solace through the intermediary of his rich imagination and day-dreams which allow him to take refuge from reality when the going gets rough. Otherwise long-distance travel in real life could provide the escape that is necessary to his equilibrium... He is socially adept and proves himself to be kind-hearted, tolerant and open-minded with regards to those he meets. However, he is less patient with his close friends and loved ones, for whom he has higher standards in keeping with the principles that he holds the dearest. His simple nature and his big heart make him a very likeable character who is endowed with a real sense of solidarity - his door is always open for his friends to whom he shows warmth and generosity. Extroverted, enthusiastic, lively and resourceful at times; lost in thought, introverted and unhurried at others, Louenn's cyclothymic behaviour could be disconcerting to observe, but it is important that he fully experiences both of these facets of his personality. As a child, Louenn is sometimes a scatterbrain, fickle and dissipated (especially if he was born on a 5th, 14th, 23th, in May, or if his Life Path Number is 5). But he is also a day-dreamer and could remain quite calm and serene, with security as a priority (especially if he was born in April or September, or if his Life Path Number is 4 or 9). It would be a very good idea to encourage this highly sensitive child to take up a hobby that he enjoys and can develop.

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What does he like?

He doesn't care for constraints, and Louenn values his freedom above all. The word "discipline" isn't part of his vocabulary. He aspires to fantasy and escape, travel and adventure, loathes monotony and is always in search of new emotions and sensations, so responsibility isn't at the top of his list. Friendship and love are important to this sensual and emotional man, who can sometimes be very domineering. He is unable to tolerate any kind of restriction, even where those he loves are concerned since independence and trust are essential to his happiness and well-being: he can't stand jealousy, possessiveness or being asked too many leading questions...

What does he do?

Louenn is attracted to variety and mobility (especially if he has a Life Path Number of 5 or 9) and is likely to choose a career connected with travel, sales, the public, the artistic domain, broadcasting or import-export... However, if his Life Path Number is 4, or if he was born on a 4th, 13th, 22th or 31st, he could nevertheless seek a more stable and secure occupation - the civil service for example or in relation to the land, nature or the natural sciences...

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