Idealistic, sensitive and emotional,
Nevenka and
Abene tend to become withdrawn in the face of hostility. They are courageous and determined, but rather dualistic: on the one hand, there is the pleasant and affectionate woman who is quite extroverted, altruistic and extremely sensitive (more pronounced if they were born on the 2nd, 9th, 11th, 18th, 20th, 27th or 29th day of the month; in February, September or November; or if they have a
Life Path Number of 2, 9 or 11 ); while on the other, we have a shy, cautious and wary lady who is more introverted, intellectual and industrious; she appreciates solitude and is herself discreet and composed with a critical or even cynical mind. These two tendencies are not necessarily incompatible, however they do set them apart from other people. Original and avant-gardist, they have plenty of inspiration and high aspirations for humanity where borders, race and social barriers cease to exist... In fact, this aspect which is associated with the master number 11 isn't easy to live with on a daily basis. It is often the case that they live these vibrations an octave below the 11, that is to say at the level of the 2: which is characterized by passivity, submission, self-abnegation and dependence on others. As children, they are extremely fragile, impressionable and timid. An emotionally secure home environment is essential to their development and well-being. Keep an eye out to make sure that they don't try and flee reality through daydreams and fantasy or running away - the sort of behaviour that could result them in growing up to be adults who are literally "away with the fairies"... Music would make an excellent outlet for their emotional and sensorial expression. On the same note, keep another eye on their friendships, because they are impressionable little girls with a rather fuzzy notion of morality.
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