Marie-Christine and
Adannaya are unique and bewildering women who appear quite mysterious... Possibly because they are secretive, or because their outside appearance contrasts sharply with their inner nature; or perhaps this enigmatic air is due to their original and non-conformist attitude. They are incredibly charming and one could easily assume that they are shallow or fickle, when in reality they are profound, thoughtful and inclined to introspection. It's true that there is a striking difference between their apparently non-stop activity and their search for genuineness, accompanied by a need for personal reflection... In actual fact, they are excessively nervous and this tension could be expressed by a hectic schedule and a high level of activity. This could lead them to become dissipated and spread themselves too thinly, as if they wanted to embrace everything at once by seizing all of the opportunities that life presents them with. Indeed, they could be capable of impulsive behaviour if they allow their emotions free reign or their curiosity to get the better of them, while at other times they can be very level-headed. Paradoxically, haste and reflection co-exist as part of their cyclothymic personality. When times are prosperous and they feel confident, they are capable of the noblest deeds, revealing themselves to be charming, productive and witty. However if the ambiance isn't great, they are likely to become self-contained, solitary and almost asocial. Furthermore, they are fascinated by anything that is out of the ordinary, original, unheard of or heterodox, and could be inclined to take the road less travelled. As children,
Marie-Christine and
Adannaya could be lively and spontaneous little girls who are into everything (especially if they were born on a 5th, 14th, 23rd, in May, or if their
Life Path Number is 5); or much more introverted, secretive, discreet, academically gifted and inclined to ponder the great mysteries of existence (particularly if they were born on a 7th, 16th, 25th, in July, or if they have a
Life Path Number of 7). They are nevertheless dependent on their affective environment and will only make an effort if they are sure it will please their parents or their teacher - especially if they feel an affinity with the latter... With their fertile imagination and highly developed intuition, they are subject to sudden surges of euphoria or anger which tend to be followed by feelings of despondency. Their parents should therefore make sure that harmony prevails in the family home and provide them with plenty of encouragement, love and affection.
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