Who is she?
One would be lying if one said that Léopoldine was an easy-going character! Authoritarian and often aggressive, she possesses qualities that are more readily attributed to a man than a woman and seeks to take charge and be the one to give the orders. Furthermore, she isn't lacking in courage and when she really wants to she is capable of considerable effort in order to achieve her ends. She is materialistic and ambitious, and quite interested in the financial sphere, generally possessing good business sense and a paradoxical relationship with money: at times verging on greed with a tendency to hoard, while at others she can be quite the spendthrift. Her behaviour is likely to vary between these two antagonistic tendencies. She is usually capable of sound judgement and possesses fine practical skills. Somewhat bad-tempered, one couldn't really say that she seeks to please others; in fact it's more the other way around, although she does have a certain magnetism. What she desires is power, above all else; and until she obtains it she is likely to be contentious, bitter, disillusioned, egocentric, jealous and cynical because she cannot tolerate failure or mediocrity. If she is able to reach her goals, she will undoubtedly show greater generosity and tolerance. Rather abrupt and frank in her personal interactions, she can be very argumentative and even quite rude if she doesn't like somebody. Furthermore, her feelings of affinity or antipathy are immediate, and it is not recommended to rub her up the wrong way because she can be particularly spiteful and even takes a certain pleasure in getting revenge. Parents, proceed with caution!... When Léopoldine has decided that she wants something, she will insist on it; once, twice, ten times, a hundred times... until you give in and let her have her way, which you may be tempted to do because her outbursts of anger can be quite impressive, and her sulkiness even more tiresome to endure... Sport and physical activity in general are highly recommended to enable her to burn off some of her excess energy. She is of practical intelligence with a more or less rational and methodical mind which could be an asset for studying science or mathematics. Finally, she will need to learn the value of patience, moderation and sharing; notions that are not particularly well developed in her character.
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