Györgyike's personality is influenced by the rather peculiar alchemy of 5 and 7. She is a secretive and mysterious woman who tends to internalize a lot, and is fascinated by the mind's speculations. She is active, energetic, resourceful, freedom-loving and adventurous all at once. She seeks to cultivate her mind, and this inclination to cogitate can result in a certain amount of worry and anxiety. Her reserved and tetchy manner could easily give one the impression that she is somewhat asocial. She could even seem to detached, or somehow different from everybody else. This could be because she has assumed the role of the sceptical, critical, independent and innovative «outsider», or perhaps because she prefers to keep herself to herself and doesn't really feel comfortable being part of the mainstream. Either way, she craves movement and action, and is capable of introspection and objectivity, when necessary. She could easily have been one of those intellectuals in the ‘7O's who dropped everything to go and live in the hills and raise sheep... Her active number 32 is the culprit for this electric and eclectic climate, as well as the bumpy road that she travels - with its intermittent obstacles along the way, however fret not, because the result will be positive, in the long term. It may be hard to keep up with this disconcerting character, and her moods are as changeable as her motivation levels, which are as changeable as the weather. On an island. In Scotland. Freedom is as essential to her as oxygen and she isn't cut out for constraints and restrictions, but luckily, loneliness doesn't bother her much. As a child,
Györgyike could appear undisciplined, fidgety, impatient and highly-strung: plagued by an almost pathological instability, especially if she was born on a 5th, 14th, 23rd, in May, or if she has a
Life Path Number of 5. Otherwise, she could appear more introverted and not particularly communicative, anxious and tormented, especially if her birthday falls on a 4th, 7th, 13th, 16th, 22nd, 25th, 31st, in April or July, or if her
Life Path Number is 4 or 7. Her parents should provide reassurance by establishing an open channel of communication and responding to all of her questions. If the more agitated and precocious tendency prevails, it is imperative that she is well informed, notably where her sexuality is concerned.
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