A lover of nature, animals, plants and flowers,
Firouzeh loathes deceit, pretence and anything superficial. She could fluctuate between a craving for travel and adventure, welcoming change with open arms (notably if she was born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd day of the month; in May, or if she has a
Life Path Number of 5) and a more sedentary side, craving security and reassured by a somewhat routine lifestyle (more pronounced if she was born in April, on a 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, or if she has a
Life Path Number of 4). Things aren't exactly easy in her love life because she is wary, cautious and tends to supress her emotions. She doesn't think that she is very charming and wouldn't dream of resorting to the usual feminine wiles such as dressing seductively. On the other hand, she is faithful and reliable which makes her an excellent housewife, down to earth and thrifty. Watch out for jealousy and possessiveness! If life disappoints her, she could seek to "escape" in one way or another, possibly in the form of a fool's paradise.
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