



The 6 symbolises the struggle between good and evil, harmony and the human endeavor to rise above primal instincts. It is synonymous with the home, love, marriage and domestic life, as well as the responsibility that follows. It is associated with the elements of air and earth, and in analogy with t… Read More
The 7 symbolises soul-searching and the quest for perfection. It is a sacred and eminently spiritual number. It is synonymous with rest, meditation, study, spirituality, philosophy, religion and faith. It is associated with the elements of water and earth and in analogy with the planet Uranus, the s… Read More
The 8 symbolises balance, truth and justice. Two times 4, this is a concrete and material number. It is synonymous with possession, power and materiality. It is associated with the element of air and in analogy with the planets Mars and Pluto, the signs of Aries and Scorpio, the second, eighth and t… Read More




Means "ray of peace" in Mongolian.

Who is she?

Enkhtuya has a very sensitive nature, although she doesn't always let her emotions show on the outside. A lover of harmony and symmetry, she's a real aesthete, and is often influenced by her family, which could be either a good thing or a bad thing. She is not without a certain inner strength that makes her efficient when faced with life's struggles. Not lacking in common sense, she is fond of her independence and very capable of taking responsibility, ambitious and self-confident. As a child, she is not necessarily very docile, especially when her parents express an authoritarianism to which she is highly allergic: she's certainly a character! She has a profound sense of justice and is likely to rebel at the slightest undeserved attack, possibly becoming aggressive and out of control. However, by promoting her sense of responsibility and accepting her individuality, her parents will discover that she just wants to feel valued and is actually very eager to do the right thing. Thus, we can observe a tendency to be conciliatory, sensitive, active, disciplined and perfectionist - even when the family environment is harmonious; then rebellious and aggressive, apathetic, idle and even lazy when she lacks the emotional motivation.

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What does she like?

Because her still waters run deep, Enkhtuya could enjoy analysis and reflection, especially intellectual ponderings that could one day lead her to explore the fields of psychology, parapsychology or sociology. She likes to please others, and can appear seductive and even narcissistic at times. She also likes to feel needed, thanks to her protective nature, although she has an annoying habit of wanting to do too much and sticking her nose into other people's business more than is healthy or indeed welcome. Finally, she appreciates beautiful objects (jewelry clothes and accessories...), and luxury, and tends to seek a cozy and comfortable home. Romantically, she is highly selective in her choice of partner, which can make things slightly difficult and may lead to problems later on, possibly even divorce, in spite of the fact that deep down, she disapproves of such fickleness. She is also demanding, authoritarian and a perfectionist, so her beloved will need to be quite adaptable and worthy of her admiration.

What does she do?

If life and the family environment aren't conducive to her thirst for knowledge and analysis, and she chooses not to undertake a lengthy program of study, Enkhtuya may be tempted to practice her profession in the world of business, indeed she is ambitious and the material realm leaves her far from indifferent. Her innate sense of justice could lead her to one of the legal careers (lawyer, judge, notary, clerk...). Otherwise, the fields of art and aesthetics are equally open to her. Medical or paramedical careers could also be of interest, because she is concerned for others' wellbeing and wants to help. A perfectionist who borders on obsessional, she could be drawn to occupations related to hygiene or cleanliness.

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