Humane, sociable, emotional and sensitive,
Eleuthere is a woman who is feminine and charming, eager to please, sensitive, intuitive and a dreamer. She's an idealist who could be attracted by large social, community and humanitarian movements, in which she is capable of investing herself. She craves varied and frequent personal experiences and when moved by a cause she is capable of mobilizing all of her courage and energy, just as she is of making sacrifices, in order to achieve her goals. On the other hand, she avoids confrontation like the plague, and faced with the blows of fate is likely to become withdrawn and can have difficulty coping emotionally. Although she may appear reserved and even proud, this is just a facade that conceals a lack of confidence, shyness and an overwhelming emotionalism. Two somewhat contradictory tendencies are coexistent: the first is in relation to the 5, unconventional, light and breezy, mobile, curious, sensual and volatile, with a taste for adventure and networking (exacerbated if she was born in May, or the 1st, 14th or 23rd, or if she has a
Life Path Number of 5) and the other, more internalized, thoughtful, serious, hardworking, and seeks security and peace (accentuated when she was born in April, or on a 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, or if she has a
Life Path Number of 4). These two tendencies could coexist in different areas, (for example, her professional life could be very stable while her emotional life is much less so) or their expression could be linear and alternating. She could - at times - live her 4 in vibration with the master number 22, and she could have an extraordinary destiny (
Life Path Number of 22, or year of birth reduced to two digits = 22 ), which could however involve certain sacrifices as well as a high degree of nervousness. By the way, she will probably be an activist, although she should beware of the dangers of fanaticism, intransigence, extravagance and self-delusion - often inseparable from these energies! As a child, her development is closely interconnected with her emotional environment. A hobby could open new vistas, and enable her to live out her aspirations and fantasies, as well as her romanticism. Be careful that she doesn't become too disorganized by teaching her the value of tidiness and order, discipline and hard work, to enable her to more easily develop her master number as she matures.
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