Cahal is a peculiar man. Perhaps because he often remains reserved and enjoys cultivating an air of mystery, or maybe because he lives his life without necessarily worrying about what anyone else thinks or how things are "supposed" to be done... He is an enigmatic man who could appear a little cold and unfriendly, however the truth of the matter is that he is a tender and sentimental soul, although he doesn't always know how to express his emotions - which he tends to suppress. Furthermore, he is a cerebral, introspective and thoughtful intellectual (especially if he was born on a 7th, 16th or 25th day of the month, or if he has a
Life Path Number of 7), but at the same time he is extremely mobile and active to the point of wanting to be everywhere at once (especially if he was born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd, or if his
Life Path Number is 5). He is curious and into everything, impatient and impulsive. Anxious and wary - despite his easy-going manner and adaptability - he tends to become withdrawn if he feels emotionally shaken. As a child,
Cahal is an endearing and likeable little boy who is very affectionate and can't sit still for more than thirty seconds. He is extremely receptive with sharp intuitive abilities, which means that he sometimes disappears into his shell to contemplate, day-dream or study; taking refuge from the world and repressing his sensitive nature. Parents, avoid prolonged separation or boarding school, which could destroy his freshness and spontaneity. It would be a good idea to keep a close eye on his eclectic tastes.
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