Who are they?
Proud and distinguished, Arwen and Aigle inspire this impression by the distance that they establish between themselves and other people. An attitude that could easily be mistaken for frostiness or arrogance, but is in fact nothing more than a shield designed to protect their fragile ego. Indeed, they are usually quite anxious and wary introverts and remain somewhat secretive and reserved, however this just seems to render them enigmatic and beyond reach... Curious and intuitive, they are extremely perceptive and tend to be very good judges of character, understanding the motivations and intentions of others in the blink of an eye, and they are able to make themselves understood just as easily. They could choose to use these talents to their advantage, and even occasionally to the disadvantage of others, as they can be known to be manipulative. Deliberate and authoritarian, they can be lacking in tolerance and flexibility and tend to want to impose their views on others believing that they know best... Not particularly sociable and a little egocentric, they are selective in friendship and in love, and would rather stay single than be in an unsuitable relationship. They often feel that they are different from other people, indeed they are more or less original - even out of the ordinary, and usually take the "road less travelled". They are bold and outgoing whilst remaining alert and deliberate. Almost every decision is carefully weighed out and turned over many times in their minds before they do or say something, meaning that they can lack spontaneity. Their choices in friendship and in romance are made according to the level of spiritual and intellectual affinity that they feel with the other person. They have a tendency be sceptical and every so often a small sarcastic smile may appear in the corner of their mouth, but they can just as easily show great passion for the mysterious and the unexplained - areas of investigation in which they are likely to excel. As children, Arwen and Aigle are extremely well behaved, shy and fairly solitary. Their character is strongly determined by their family and upbringing which can have significant consequences on their destiny. They need to love and be loved, but without overly exaggerated gestures and declarations, thank you very much. If the family environment happens to lack security or harmony, they probably won't hang around for much longer than they have to, but if they do they could end up withdrawing into silence and distance by way of escape. It would be a good idea to encourage them to socialize, and they would benefit from developing their artistic talents.
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