



The 11 symbolises transcendence, revelations, intuition, inspiration and the gift of clairvoyance. It is synonymous with a higher intelligence and extremely elevated ideals at an abstract level. It is especially associated with the element of air, the sign of Aquarius, eleventh sign of the zodiac, a… Read More
The 8 symbolises balance, truth and justice. Two times 4, this is a concrete and material number. It is synonymous with possession, power and materiality. It is associated with the element of air and in analogy with the planets Mars and Pluto, the signs of Aries and Scorpio, the second, eighth and t… Read More
The 3 symbolises creation, issued from the union of the 1 and the 2, uniting the positive and negative forces. It is the synonym of expression and communication, success, social life and creation, notably of literary and artistic nature. It is associated with the element of air and in analogy with t… Read More




From the name of a barrio (district) in Seville, which got its name from a temple which may have been named for a person Macarius (see MACARIO)

Who is she?

Such seduction! Macarena is a particularly intuitive et imaginative woman who breathes charm, vivacity, femininity and sensitivity. Her first name is characterized by the master number 11 which means that she is capable of living her dreams; be it through the realization of one of her high ideals or through that of her own social ambition. She is incredibly creative and this could be facilitative to her success; however if circumstances are favourable this won't be without a certain amount of nervous tension since the vibrations of the 11 are elevated and induce passion and enthusiasm... This number is more frequently experienced as its reduced expression, the 2, which is an octave below and is characterized by an overemotional nature, sensitivity and dependence. And so, particularly feminine and hungry for love she will seek the comfort of a relationship, revealing herself to be affectionate, sociable, warm and communicative. On the other hand, she remains wary and cautious if she doesn't feel comfortable in a situation. She possesses great practical sense and is capable of relentless hard work as long as she feels motivated. She is in fact rather cyclothymic and depending on her mood, she is capable of choosing the path of least resistance or by conversely, showing great enthusiasm... As a child, Macarena is fragile and impressionable with an active imagination that could make her vulnerable (fear, anxiety and the need for protection). But there are two sides to every coin, and she has creativity on her side.

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What does she like?

Sensitive to social success, status and material prosperity, Macarena possesses a definite business sense. Furthermore, she can be courageous and enterprising when she needs to be. Difficulty and the unknown stimulate her instead of leaving her discouraged or disheartened... Her love life is important to her and she is both tender and sensual in a relationship, but she is nonetheless a woman of conquest. Macarena is endearing and less frivolous than she appears to be, although she has a weakness for gifts - and if they happen to be of the sparkly, precious mineral variety it won't do any harm!

What does she do?

With her deeply intuitive and inspired nature, she is best suited to the artistic or esthetic domains as well as the social sciences. Nevertheless, the world of finance could be equally appealing to her.

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